Summer Garden

Summer Garden

Summer Garden

Title: Summer Garden
Availability: Sold
Medium: Mixed medium on canvas
Meditation: Isaiah 58: 11b You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Paint my Life

Paint my Life

Paint my Life

Title: Paint my Life (61 x 51 cm)
Status: R 3150-00
Medium: Mixed medium on canvas
Meditation: Our life is like an empty canvas, we can choose how to fill it, with love or fear, thankfulness or feelings of lack, words that give life or we can speak death. You are God’s masterpiece, He fills our life with colours of joy, peace, mercy, grace, loving-kindness, health, compassion.

An Apple a Day

An Apple a Day

An Apple a Day

Title: An Apple a Day (59,5 x 42 cm)
Status: R 2500-00
Medium: Mixed medium on canvas
Meditation:: We are exposed to instant information. In seconds we know of tragedy or a crisis from the other side of the planet. Most of the news we hear and read is bad news because bad news sells. It makes us feel hopeless. Mozart answered he would plant an apple tree when asked what he would do if he knew he was going to die tomorrow. The Bible is full of promises for the times we are living in. Make this your meditation. Hope will help us to make a difference in our society. Hope is like a magnet, you will attract people in your life who are looking for the answers you carry. An apple symbolizes the potential of hope because we can see how many seeds are inside an apple, but we do not know how many trees and apples can come from one apple’s seed. Likewise, the words we speak, we can choose to speak life or death, to build or to demolish. We can choose to be a fountain of hope to the people around us. That is the seed of potential each one has growing inside.

Word of Hope

Word of Hope

Word of Hope

Title: Word of Hope (51 x 61 cm)
Status: R 3150-00
Medium: Mixed medium on canvas 
Note: I used inks, acrylics and gold dust to give textures and a feeling of light to bring a message of hope. 
Meditation: Inspired by John 1: 1, 9, In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. 9 True light that gives light to every man was coming into the world. The dove represents the presence of the Holy Spirit, the wheat is symbolic for the word, needs to fall into fertile soil, dies and then brings forth new wheat plants. The green colour speaks of a new beginning. To be fruitful and live a life that brings glory to God. Gold dust represents purification, and the presence of God, victory.

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