Dawn – A New Beginning

Dawn – A New Beginning

Dawn – A New Beginning

TitleDawn – A New Beginning
Availability: Sold
Size: 60,3 x 80 cm
Medium: Mixed Medium Inks and Oil paints on canvas
Meditation: Arise and Shine. Be All You were Meant to Be. Embrace Your Strenghts. Be Courageous. Make A Difference In Your World.
Use All The Colors On Your Palette. Dawn, a New day, a New Beginning.
It is time to AWAKEN
God did not save you to tame you. AWAKEN!
To a life of fierce passion. AWAKEN!
To dangerous prayer, stunning power and teamed purpose. AWAKEN!
Your response could very well change your world.
Well-behaved women rarely make history. Sometimes it is easier to apologize than to ask for permission.
“The Glory of God is Man Fully Alive” – St Iraneus

The Tree of Life and Hope

The Tree of Life and Hope

The Tree of Life and Hope

Title: The Tree of Life and Hope
Status: R 6900-00
Size: 91 x 76 cm
Medium: Mixed medium on canvas 
Meditation: “But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes, its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.“ Jeremiah 17: 7, 8

The earth is full of his unfailing love

The earth is full of his unfailing love

The earth is full of his unfailing love

Title: The earth is full of his unfailing love
Status: Sold
Size: 84 x 59 cm
Medium: Oil paint on canvas
Meditation: The pattern in the leaves of the tree is made with these words from Psalm 33:5 “The earth is full of his unfailing love “

Tree of Life – Discipleship OM

Tree of Life – Discipleship OM

Tree of Life – Discipleship OM

Title:Tree of Life – Discipleship OM
Availability: Sold
Size: 51 x 61 cm
Medium: Mixed Medium Inks and Oilpaint on canvas
MeditationThis painting is part of a series of paintings in the art collection of Operation Mobilization to celebrate their 30 years of serving missionaries.

I used the following statement from Operation Mobilization’s mandate as inspiration for The Tree of Life.

Operation Mobilization about  Discipleship : “We intentionally endeavour to develop in all areas of our lives, as well as contribute to the development of others on our team. We recognise people’s potential and encourage them to try new things and allow them to make mistakes.”

I can identify with the above statement as it is part of my lifestyle and the way I teach art and facilitate students.

For this painting I used the symbols of a tree, water, and a circle.

A life dedicated to God is like a flourishing tree.

We proclaim that in South Africa Jesus Christ is the Cornerstone, and  God’s people will be apostles and prophets as the foundation.

Proverbs 9:1 “Wisdom has built her house; she has hewed out 7 pillars”

The tree has 7 branches, each representing one of the pillars of society:

Kris Vallotton explains:

Justice: The law as facilitator of justice, the law only has purpose in bringing about and sustaining justice. When a society loses the foundations of justice the law begins to serve itself and it starts taking on a life of its own. This takes on a culture of peace officers becoming law enforcement officers and justice courts become magistrates of the law. Judges and juries are now charged with determining whether someone broke the law rather than if someone performed an injustice.

Peace: this is a pillar of society that holds, that sustains the Kingdom. Peace is the foundation of government. The purpose of all government is to facilitate peace. When peace is removed from government, government begins to serve itself. Peace is not the absence of conflict but the presence of wholeness.

Love: Love is the purpose of fatherhood. Fathers are facilitators of love. When love is lost fathers become bosses and families become his subjects. Caring and compassion are replaced with sexual perversion and abandonment. Happiness is no longer the fruit of a loving relationship, but instead it becomes the purpose of them. I am not happy becomes the reason for my actions. In other words…  You are making me happy…I am in this for happiness. And whenever you make happiness the purpose of your union instead of the fruit you have a perversion. Perversion means the wrong version.

Honour:  Honour is the element in a society that allows people to be in power, rather than controlled.  Honour is the responsibility of sons. They exemplify respect that results in order (be an example of). When honour is served instead of serving it causes leaders to demand honour even when it is incongruent with their character. This result is a culture of control that is manifest through fear.

Truth: Truth is more than honesty. It is the embodiment of reality. The fruit of truth is life and Word of God is a facilitator of truth. Teachers are the stewards of truth. When truth is absent from a culture the Bible begins to be served instead of serving. This consequently leads people to learning but never coming to knowledge of the truth, resulting in rules of religion being exchanged for the reality of relationship. Truth is more than learning Bible verses. Hebrews 4 says that the Word is living and active.

Righteousness: It is more than accumulation of good character choices. It is the invisible expression of the habitation of an invisible yet Holy God. Righteousness is the personification of the very nature of God being manifest in His creatures, resulting in likeness emulating through His people. When divinity is absent from a culture, godliness is reduced to goodness which is attained through discipline instead of a pure heart. When God is removed from a culture, godliness is is reduced to goodness which is obtained through discipline instead of a pure heart.

Wisdom: Wisdom is the ability to rightly apply the knowledge in a way that builds for the future that which is envisioned by the Creator so than the divine ecosystem of heaven yields life. Rulers are the stewards of wisdom, they are to lead in a way that creates environment that draws out and facilitates the destiny of people both individually and corporately. When the definition of wisdom is reduced to the gathering and recalling of information it results in fatality. (a predestined liability to disaster, a fatal influence).

Inside the tree trunk is a red vein, representing the blood of Jesus, forgiveness of our sins, courage, prayer, wisdom.

The green vein represents new life and fruitfulness, healing, victory, wealth, renewal, praise and worship.

The blue vein represents ruler ship, growth, potential, faith, communion with God, presence of the Holy Spirit, healing, justice, royalty.

The yellow vein represents hope, light, renewed mind, victory, kindness, anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit, gift of God.

Orange vein represents: Spirit of Wisdom, Perseverance, Strength, Power, Energy, Harvest, Change of Season, Fire, Tried and Proven, Cheerfulness, Enthusiasm and Innovation, Blessings and Happiness, Fruitfulness, Completeness (to change and influence persecution, witchcraft, rebellion, danger)

Purple vein represents: Authority, Kingship, Royalty, Majestic, Royal Priesthood, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Righteousness  (to change and influence dishonesty, false authority, licentiousness)

Light is flowing through the leaves, Jesus is the light, we walk in the light, and light brings truth and helps us to grow.

Trees are a symbol of growth and development, from the trunk different branches can grow in different directions, there will be unity because of the trunk the roots are all connected to. The roots, which are responsible for feeding the tree, reach out to the source: Living water which is symbolic for the Word of God, which is not only our source but also the solid foundation on which growth and development is based. John 15 also comes to mind: I am the vine, and you are the branches. In a sense the trunk can represent Jesus Christ.

The sun is in a circle shape, to represent unity in the team. It also stands for a new beginning, and for Light, without Jesus, the Light of the world the tree won’t be able to grow.

I used a background of white acrylic with texture. On that inks are be applied in yellow, orange, blue and brown. The tree and leaves are painted with oils in different colours.




Title: Winterbos (50 x60 cm)
Status: R 3000-00
Medium: Mixed medium on canvas
Note: Poetry, words and colours always inspire me. D.J. Opperman’s poem was the inspiration for this painting. Ëk het met jou deur koeltes van die bos na die verlore vrede teruggekeer, die skemering oor die natgedrupte mos, die bessies, die blomme en die wit blom veer.”

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